It seems like Microsoft is loosing a lot of ground in the browser battle ,with chrome speeding away. cartoonmela had this pretty cartoon which sums it up on the current state of affairs, as internet explorer drops below 50% of web usage, there is more on Microsoft's plate to think about than just Internet Explorer 10 preview. whilst Firefox and safari joining hands loosing no ground, humble opera being as niche as ever not worried about capturing the world, chrome is eating away internet explorer's share. However Internet Explorer still retains a majority of the desktop browser market
share, at 52.63 % ,1.76 % drop from September.desktop browsing makes up 94 percent of Web traffic, and the rest from phones and tablets, both waters in which Internet Explorer is toddling. As a share of the whole browser market, Internet Explorer has
only 49.58 percent of users.
Just pondering around came across an interesting statistics about who's what in the browser market. this is what it says.

more of this statistics here , to summarize looks like its chrome all the way in desktop and safari in mobile, in the future posts lets explore the idea and technology behind chrome and safari what makes them so special and Internet explorer not so very !
Just pondering around came across an interesting statistics about who's what in the browser market. this is what it says.

the most interesting part of the statistics was the user adoption of the browser's,

more of this statistics here , to summarize looks like its chrome all the way in desktop and safari in mobile, in the future posts lets explore the idea and technology behind chrome and safari what makes them so special and Internet explorer not so very !
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